الرئيسية - psychiatry - Treatment of addiction sedatives and hypnotics
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The search for the treatment of sedative and hypnotics addiction appeared after falling into the trap of drug addiction months of the most famous types of addiction in the era with insomnia, depression and vigilance experienced by many people at different ages the first choice to the doctor is to resort to Hypnotic pills or sedative to get rid of the patient from nervous convulsions Sleep comfortably,Despite the importance of these hypnotic drugs and sedatives, which contribute significantly to help patients and restore their calm, but the poor use and violation of the guidelines make them accept addiction to hypnotics and sedatives, The person can not get rid of sedatives and addiction even after recovery from what he is suffering and if he tries to stop, he suffers from the symptoms of withdrawal of sedatives from the body, There is no doubt that the treatment of hypnotic addiction and treatment of sedative addiction in order to many people who have fallen into the misfortune of addiction to these substances and therefore we at the Medical Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment extend our hands to those who stumbled in this way to get out of this road, which descended to him and get rid of the damages of sedatives on the body.
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Sedative pills are divided into two basic types and fall under these main types of many names of sedative pills and these types differ among themselves in terms of where the impact on the brain and nervous system and the extent of influence on emotions and feelings.
First group: – the names of major hypnotics and this group of types of hypnotics great inhibit the activities of the brain and work to calm the central nervous system completely,One of the most famous names of major sedatives is hypnotics, known as capitulates, which are small doses that cause the removal of contraindications from the human feeling means that those hypnotics or group of sedatives let the person behave more subconsciously.
Second, the group of micro-sedatives and types of sedatives as drugs that work in specific parts of the brain and relates to emotions and conscience and in fact the micro-sedatives somewhat safer than the major hypnotics and a group of babbiturates and micro-sedatives group called “benzodiazepines” These drugs have the property of calm and prevent fear Without affecting the cerebral cortex.
No doubt that sedative drugs have many benefits in the medical field has been manufactured those pills and sedatives for use in the treatment of diseases and help patients,To get rid of cases of anxiety, stress, and insomnia, but the use of these sedatives should be done through a psychiatrist for fear of addiction to the sedative pills so the problem is that the sedatives turn into drugs that cause addiction.
The sedatives are used in patients before the surgery to anesthetize the patient with a relaxed muscle relaxation in the event of muscle strain and also used sedatives of various kinds in the treatment of some cases of epilepsy but fear of falling into addiction to sleeping pills are not taken by those pills only by a specialist doctor does not infringe The person has the exact dosage on his own.
This is intended to harm the misuse of sedative pills or addiction to sedative drugs, as hypnotics pills and their harm is in the person’s dependence and addiction to them and the inability to abandon those pills.
Most patients who use drugs complain of fatigue and tiredness and may suffer from nausea and this is very clear after taking the dose of treatment, especially If the dose of sedatives or hypnotics is large, users also suffer from sedatives and headaches and memory disorders with distracted mind and the inability to concentrate and other symptoms that make him unable to perform tasks completely to lose attention and some skill.
Damage to sedatives on the body and the negative impact of these hypnotic pills Patients should not take actions that require concentration and attention, such as dealing with electrical appliances or driving a car or working on machinery and these things may expose the person to many risks.
Sedatives and hypnotic pills may cause shortness of breath in people with respiratory disorders such as bronchitis or in people who are overweight.
The case of quitting taking these sedatives and hypnotic pills appear to have many symptoms called withdrawal symptoms of the active substance from the body and therefore the first stages of treatment addiction sedatives and treatment of hypnotic addiction are the treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
Symptoms of withdrawal from hypnotics and sedatives begin to appear within one to one week after the last dose of the drug after stopping taking sedative drugs and this depends mainly on the type of sedative pills The effectiveness of the sedative where the symptoms of withdrawal of sedatives from the body lasts from 7 days to about a month and the patient in that period suffers from symptoms of severe psychological anxiety from the psychological point of view, including the following symptoms:
Severe tremor in the extremities, increase in heart rate, dry mouth, high body temperature with excessive sweating, severe headache, sleep disturbances, feeling of muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite resulting in significant weight loss,Excessive sensitivity to the sounds and lights and the phenomenon is one of the most distinctive signs in those cases, the inability of the person to balance, a sense of strange smell, depression and an epileptic seizure.
The biggest success factors for the treatment of sedative addiction and treatment of hypnotic addiction is the recognition of the problem and a sincere desire in the treatment to get rid of getting used to these drugs and his cooperation in following the instructions of the attending physician.
We must provide alternative ways to treat anxiety, stress and insomnia experienced by people with sickness as an alternative to taking any of the types of sedative pills, whether sedatives major or types of small sedatives such as relaxation techniques that help to get rid of stress or other methods of psychological treatment or antidepressants and others Of non-addictive medications.
How to neutralize the hypnotist and get rid of the effects of sedative pills in the person’s body and get rid of sedatives permanently through treatment gradually to prevent the occurrence of severe withdrawal symptoms of the person where the treatment of hypnotics and sedatives by reducing the sedative dose gradually and according to a specific time plan is developed from During the attending physician, usually between 4 and 6 weeks and maybe lengthened depending on the patient’s condition and acceptance of treatment and response to treatment and the presence of support from family and close people has a major role in the treatment of addiction to sedatives and overcome that problem.
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الصحة الجنسية
علاج الأدمان
، قسم أول 6 أكتوبر، الظهير الصحراوى لمحافظة الجيزة، الجيزة 3510422، مصر
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