الرئيسية - psychiatry - The best treatments for Social anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder, or terrorism, is a mental illness that results in serious anxiety about a social situation or performance in a particular environment, This anxiety attack occurs during any behavior the patient is doing, such as a phone call or during a meal, and the patient is very embarrassed by stuttering, trembling, It is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world.
One in seven people suffers from phobia, Social phobia is a chronic psychiatric disease despite its early onset, and most people are delayed in treatment despite their knowledge of the condition, for fear of being confronted and recognized or ashamed of their condition, People with this condition are exposed to many problems and losses at all levels, This is why this condition is called mental disability.
The state of Social anxiety disorder develops into disability due to the inability of the patient to solve this problem and try to address it through specialists, and this leads to social, material, health and professional losses, in addition to depriving of the sympathy and support enjoyed by other injured.and in this article we will show the reader the causes of social phobia.
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Studies have shown that the causes of social anxiety are not clear, but rather clinical reasons, but there are factors based on its identification such as:
Feelings of shame or discomfort in some situations do not necessarily reflect signs of social anxiety disorder, especially in children. Comfort levels in social situations vary, depending on personality traits and life experiences. Some people are inherently conservative and others are more open .
Unlike nervous stress that can occur on a daily basis, social anxiety disorder involves fear, and, and avoidance that interferes with daily routine, work, school or other activities. Social anxiety disorder usually starts in the early to mid-teens, although it can sometimes start in younger children or in adults.
Signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder may include a permanent feeling of the following:
For children, anxiety may manifest when interacting with adults or colleagues as crying, tantrums, clinging to parents, or refusing to speak in social situations.
Performance tension is a type of social anxiety disorder where a person experiences only intense fear and anxiety while speaking or dealing with the public, and the same anxiety does not occur in other types of social situations.
Sometimes social anxiety disorder can be accompanied by physical signs and symptoms, which may include the following:
Treatment depends on how social anxiety disorder affects your ability to perform in everyday life. The two most common types of treatment for social anxiety disorder are psychotherapy (also known as counseling or speech therapy), medications, or both.
Psychotherapy improves symptoms in most people with a social anxiety disorder. In therapy, you learn how to perceive and change negative thoughts about yourself; as well as develop skills to help you gain confidence in social situations.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most effective form of psychotherapy with anxiety and can be effective when done individually or in combination.
In cognitive-behavioral therapy, it gradually works to counter situations that it fears most. This can improve your coping skills and help you increase confidence to deal with anxiety-provoking situations. You can also participate in skills training or role-playing to practice your social skills and to gain comfort and confidence in other skills.
Exposure to social situations is especially useful in addressing your concerns.
The symptoms of social anxiety disorders in some people may disappear over time and they can stop taking medications. Others may need to take medications for years to prevent the condition from returning.
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