الرئيسية - psychiatry - Treatment of Captagon Addiction in Riyadh
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Many drugs spread in Riyadh, especially the captagon pills that destructive activator and became the original captagon pills the focus of attention of young people and adolescents because of the promotion of the relationship between the users of Captagon and sex,
Despite the high price of Captagon pills, but people accept it from all sides and after suffering and loss of life after falling into the trap of addiction to Captagon begins attempts to search for how to neutralize the Captagon in the body and get rid of addiction to Captagon.
Often people try to the treatment of addiction Captagon with herbs and dependence on Captagon disassembles and milk and other substances that remove the action of the captagon in the body, but in fact, we have to realize that addiction behaviors and not only drugs.
We at Medical Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment in Egypt offer the best ways to treat addiction from Captagon through an integrated therapeutic community that helps to recover and contact us if you wish to treat Captagon addiction in Riyadh.
Although Captagon pills were initially manufactured for medical uses, they were misused as usual medications and drugs and many people fell into the trap of addiction to Captagon pills and became the most popular drugs in many Arab countries, Despite its seriousness, it is addictive and causes nerve destruction and health problems, both psychologically and physically, but the biggest problem is that the Captagon now deployed in the market is the fake Captagon.
In spite of its cheap price and in fact, the components of the original Captagon are different from the components of Captagon adulterated significantly as it is added to many toxic substances and unknown sources.
Captagon pills are narcotic drugs that cause more activity and movement, with no feeling of fatigue throughout the life no matter how long, and it extends to the person does not feel hungry and the ability of the person to stay for many days despite the harsh efforts of the person taking the pill Captagon, It also Captagon causes more insomnia, and in fact the alternative of Captagon did not take the same fame as Captagon pills despite the same effect.
But these pills gained fame largely because of what is promoted by the existence of a relationship between the users of Captagon and sexual intercourse and the damage of the destroyed Captagon pills and how they lead to the destruction of the central nervous system, with the effect of these stimulant pills on the mind.
With the rise in the price of Captagon, drug dealers have resorted to manufacturing a fake Captagon alternative, which is known as Chinese Captagon, which is unfortunately widespread in the markets of addiction, Which is promoted among drug addicts, it consists of substances that affect the mind because of the radioactive chemicals that are found in those substance..
,as added very small amount of deadly powdered heroin and it is found that grinded glass is added so that the Captagon makes its way into the blood quickly, Therefore, we must protect our children from certain death or mental illness associated with addiction.
We can express the relationship between Captagon and sex as the beginning of a sense of euphoria and desire to have sex significantly and this incident in most types of abuse, Alcohol, and sex are all substances that actually lead to sexual euphoria, And the length of intercourse, but it is like minutes of euphoria and happiness, where drug addicts live when taking it,Captagon pills cause frigidity,With access to the state of addiction.
we reach a state of total impotence and health problems and damage, The desire to prolong sexual intercourse through the use of yellow and white Captagon pills or dependence on the alternative Captagon of steroids is only illusions and no truth, There are health steroids we can take in the event of desire to reach orgasm, we should not be fooled by the lies and promotions of drug dealers about the relationship of Captagon and sex.
The problem is not to get rid of the effects of Captagon in the urine and blood, but the focus of the topic is on how to get rid of addictive thoughts and behaviors and return to normal life away from the world of addiction completely,If there are Captagon disassemblers that help to remove the effect of Captagon.
but the person needs to enroll in psychological and behavioral rehabilitation programs through the treatment centers of addiction to the maximum recovery.
A person who admits to taking Captagon pills saying “I am addicted to Captagon” is an important step in the way of recovery, because recognition has a great role in the treatment of addiction, especially as the person has in the treatment of addiction from Captagon through the addiction treatment clinics,
The idea of treating addiction from Captagon at home through Captagon disassemblers and herbs through which the detoxification of Captagon in the body has its role in the stage of removing toxins from the body, but what then? Herbs have a role in the stages of psychological rehabilitation and behavioral therapy and other types of rehabilitation treatment for drug addicts we must be fully aware of the correct meaning of the treatment of addiction and the identification of chronic disease.
In fact, the idea of treating Captagon addiction at home with those unknown source toxins that are added to adulterated Captagon pills makes it mandatory to use Captagon Addiction Treatment Centers in Saudi Arabia, Egypt or other Captagon Addiction Treatment Clinics.
In order to get rid of the effect of Captagon in the body and to stop completely from this drug destructive drug, which results from the use of a lot of health damage in addition to the symptoms of withdrawal Captagon from the body, which need special care and supervision by specialists.
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